Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Youtube Wars

Ever noticed how people keep arguing on You tube? You are only interested in watching a video or listening to a song you can't download for free online-ahem- and you watch You tube. You scroll down to the comments section and there they are: arguments, quarrels, fights about anything and everything in the world. The worst ones are as follows:

- Justin Beiber comments: Really people? So you are listening to Metallica or Lennon or whatver and people say Justin Beiber is**** (fill in the blanks.) It drives me nuts. I mean is it even relevant? Why can't people just shut their mouth and listen to the song. What do they care if JB is 16 or 18 or 12? Or if he is hetero or homo? I wish people would stop commenting on that
- How XYZ artist is way better than the one you are listening to: You think so? Then why are you listening to this artist in the first place. Go listen to XYZ. Stop acting like a moron and stop making nasty comments
- Religion: Especially when you listen to songs about wars or death, people comment about how religion is the root of all evil and how THIER religion is the best. Well, dudes, there is no point in fighting on You Tube about who's the best. No one cares. Stop wasting energy on typing useless things. And if you are so passionate about spreading awareness about your religion, go write a blog or something, dont plague You tube. Its for entertainment.
- Girls are dumber than boys: This one makes me so mad, that I cant help but leave a comment or two. (I know I know.) I just get so angry, @$#@#%#@$ to all MCPs who think that girls are dumber than boys. I dont even have to say anything. Shows who the dumber sex REALLY is.

And a few others: 
-Asking for thumbs up
- Saying you miss your BF/GF and you will love them eternally
- Saying all the people who dislike a song are morons
- Porno links
- Un cool home made videos
- Justin Beiber is a pussy. Oh but I already mentioned that. Never Mind.

So, here's a request: Please listen to the song. If you don't like it, use the dislike button and STOP FIGHTING.. F******

Now I feel better! :)

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